Local Music Survey for SCPL
The Santa Cruz music scene is an integral part of the history, culture, and economy of our community. Therefore, the Santa Cruz Public Library library is investigating ways to enhance access to local music in the present as well as document local music to preserve a historical record for the future.
Please take a few moments to complete this library survey. This survey will help the library understand your thoughts on local music and how you access music in your everyday life. You can access this online survey at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SCPL_LocalMusic. It takes approximately 5- 10 minutes and is completely anonymous.
As a “thank you”, you may opt to enter a drawing for a $20 gift certificate at Streetlight Records. If you opt to enter the drawing, you will be required to supply us with contact information. Your privacy and the confidentiality of the responses you provide to the library are extremely important. Your survey results will remain anonymous, and your contact information will not be shared, sold, or spammed in any way. The only way the library will use your information is to contact you in the event that you win!