The 2011 NAMM Show
Upon entry to the convention, I was greeted by a Mexican accordion/guitar/bass/drums outfit playing on the stage sponsored by our friends at Roland. That was pretty cool. I really wish I got their name.
Into the main hall, I was pulled over by security to make way for the totally awesome rump shaking sounds of the Inglewood High School Marching Band. The guy next to me informed me they had the “hottest tuba player” he’d ever seen. I told him he was too old for her, but that didn’t seem to faze him much. They left everyone within earshot smiling.
Lots of middle-aged dudes with dyed Marky Ramone style mullets. So many it was hard not to notice.
I talked to the guys at Aquarian Drumheads who were very cool. We’ll be using and selling their products exclusively.
Ashdown Amps are awesome. Even though the overbearing Brit rep was blasting the guitar amps when I was trying to talk bass rigs with the sales dude from Tennessee. We’ll be working with them in the future for sure.
Can’t say the same about the fat mustaches at ProMark Drumsticks. When the first words out of their mouths were “we don’t...” I turned right off. Fuck them and their shitty sticks. The guys at Vic Firth Sticks were a little better, but still too ready with the “we don’ts.”
DW Kits had some cool looking drum sets, as did Pearl. But damn if these guys aren’t big business. Seems like you gotta have a million bucks just to get a word.
I like how so many of these companies hire slutty chicks in skimpy outfits to get you to check out their products. Where’s my shot of Jager and a Corona, honey? I already have a guitar pick. I guess it’s something to see for all those lonely salesmen.
Sorry, Sam from Splitshot, I didn’t buy a Leslie when I was down there. Too heavy to bring back on the plane. But it’s on the list.
Saw some familiar Santa Cruz faces: Universal Audio, Santa Cruz Guitar Company, Kyle the sound guy from the Catalyst, Your Music Magazine photog guy standing in some huge line to see a rock star. Lots of rock stars. I saw Kerry King (Slayer), Omar from Mars Volta, The Sublime drummer guy, Dr. Lonnie Smith (in another league, but what the hell), Cliff Williams (AC/DC)...the list is long at NAMM.
Any and all music merchandise was represented at NAMM. It’s a total circus. If you're into music, you should definitely check it out some time. I was only there for four hours and I was exhausted when I left. It didn’t help that I was at SCRS til 1am the night before, and had to catch a 7am flight down to the OC. But it was a fun trip. Happy to be back.