First Friday, June 1
Precious on the Edge
Artist Reception: 6-9 p.m.
Precious on the Edge is a joint photo exhibit; a collective snapshot into fringe culture from an insider's perspective. The work of Bryan G. May and Jake Ander Simowitz embodies the intimacy of subcultural transience, the comfort of dusty memories, and the luxury of sneaking into art school print studios.
In photographs framed behind glass, as slide film projections, and on the pages of zines, Bryan and Jake include the medium in their work, producing an array of images that urge an audience to both "skate or die" and to "never give up".
In this forthcoming show, Jake's work focuses on nature through a lens of turmoil, seasons in different places, and the exuberance of youth. Bryan's photos capture life at the crosshairs of intoxication and resistance, the ardor of punk house relationships, and crisp portraits of dirty people.